The Infamous Tuk Tuk of Bangkok

Tuk tuks (so named because of the distinctive sound they make with their two stroke engine) are probably the most famous means of transportation in Bangkok among tourists. 

“Everybody” wants to at least try it when they visit.  It’s a must do on their list of things to do while in town. Many try it once and then never again…

The Infamous Tuk Tuk of Bangkok

Tuk Tuk in Bangkok

Tuk tuks are certainly not my favorite way of transport around Bangkok either. They are a noisy, smelly and hot way of getting around.

There are no seat belts, doors or walls offering no protection from the pollution, heat or from accidents.

It can be faster taking a tuk tuk than a taxi since the tuk tuk is smaller and able to weave somewhat in and out of traffic.

Most of the time though they are just as stuck in traffic jams as the larger vehicles, leaving the passengers exposed to the heat and pollution of downtown Bangkok. They used to be cheaper than taxis but that isn’t true anymore, now oftentimes you will end up paying more.

The fare must also be bargained before the trip or you will end up paying much more. It helps if you know the equivalent fare for a taxi and if someone in your party speaks Thai.

There is one scam that involve tuk tuk drivers that you need to be aware of. Do not accept a ride with any tuk tuk driver who offers to take you to a great tailor shop or a jewelry shop, as they will almost certainly be taking you into a high-pressure sales situation. It usually starts with you being offered a sightseeing tour around Bangkok for 10-20 Baht.

The tuk tuk is not much used by Thais anymore either, except when they need to transport goods or packages.

The tuk tuk is on it’s way out. Officially they do not make them anymore. If it wasn’t for the popularity of the tuk tuk among  tourists, it’s days would surely be numbered.