Pad Thai

Pad Thai is unquestionably the favorite stir fried noodle dish in all of Thailand. Rivaling Tom Yum it could possibly be the most popular food in the entire country.

Pad Thai

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is quite well-liked by visitors and Thais alike. You can get it easily on the street as well as in restaurants regardless of where you may be in the country. It’s inexpensive, it’s everywhere, and when it’s cooked properly, it’s delicious.

Great Pad Thai is dry and light bodied, having a fresh, intricate, well balanced taste. It ought to be reddish and brownish colored.

Stir fried, created using rice noodles, egg, various vegetables, chicken or shrimp along with a few fresh bean sprouts, this dish is great tasting, filling and it may be enjoyed at any time of night or day. Pad Thai is also at times served covered with a banana leaf or within a thin omelet.

The best place to get it really is on the street. The best of these cooks have made the same dish day-after-day, year-after-year, continuously refining it.

Sadly, there are a lot of sellers (especially in Khao San Rd) that offer Pad Thai with pre-scrambled egg scraps, sticky red noodles, and even worse, don’t include the dried shrimp to accommodate foreigners.

After it’s cooked you can put on your own condiments, such as lime juice, pickled peppers, fish sauce, sugar, and chilies on at the table. The noodles gets even better if you add fresh bean sprouts, green onions and banana flowers.

Pad Thai also works as a vegetarian dish, if you want to make it just put tofu instead of shrimp and substitute soy sauce for fish sauce.

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